News and Updates
- We invite contributions to the PhD Forum until April 3.
- Regular paper submissions are now closed. Thank you for the contributions!
- Due to many requests, the submission deadline for regular and short papers is extended to February 28 anywhere on Earth.
- Regular papers are accepted until the short/position paper deadline, February 20. Authors of accepted papers may arrange a way to present remotely if needed (although in-person attendance is highly encouraged).
- A short list of high-quality presented papers will be selected for their revised and extended versions to be published by ASME in the Special Issue of the Journal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems.
- Workshop/tutorial/panel submissions are open! For details, see our Call for Contributions.
- Paper submissions are open! For details, see our Call for Contributions. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on IEEE Xplore.
- Announcing our keynote speakers: Sayan Mitra (UIUC), Ben Axelrod (Boston Dynamics), and Craig Lennon (Army)!
- Announcing a new conference at the intersection of autonomous systems research, software engineering, systems engineering, system performance evaluation/benchmarking, testing/assurance, regulatory/standard development, and industrial/commercial use!