6 ERAS 2025 Committees

ERAS logo - a horizontal gray magnifying glass looking at a blue robot avoiding a brown object with ERAS above the handle and the year below.  It says Engineering Reliable Autonomous Systems in gray text below the image.

Engineering Reliable Autonomous Systems

May 29-30, 2025
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA



Program Committee

Name Institution
Abolfazl Lavaei Newcastle University
Ali Baheri Rochester Institute of Technology
Argentina Ortega Sainz University of Bremen
Bryan Donyanavard San Diego State University
Carlos Hernández Corbato Delft University of Technology
Cheng Wang Heriot Watt University
Chris Timperley Carnegie Mellon University
Cristian-Ioan Vasile Lehigh University
Darko Bozhinoski Delft University of Technology
Davide Brugali Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Esen Yel Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Eunsuk Kang Carnegie Mellon University
Floris Erich National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Gabor Karsai Vanderbilt University
Hoang Dung Tran University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Hussein Sibai Washington University in St. Louis
Ilias Gerostathopoulos Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Ingo Lütkebohle Robert Bosch GmbH
James Usevitch Brigham Young University
Juliane Päßler University of Oslo
Luan Nguyen University of Dayton
Luca Muratore IIT - Italian Institute of Technology
Mahsa Varshosaz IT University of Copenhagen
Maksym Figat Warsaw University of Technology
Marie Farrell The University of Manchester
Pooyan Jamshidi University of South Carolina
Radoslav Ivanov Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rahul Bhadani The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Ronen Brafman Ben-Gurion University
Sebastian Wrede Bielefeld University
Simos Gerasimou University of York
Verena Klös University of Oldenburg
Vladislav Nenchev University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Yu Wang University of Florida
Zachary Serlin MIT Lincoln Laboratory