News and Updates
- Regular papers are accepted until the short/position paper deadline, February 20. Authors of accepted papers may arrange a way to present remotely if needed (although in-person attendance is highly encouraged).
- A short list of high-quality presented papers will be selected for their revised and extended versions to be published by ASME in the Special Issue of the Journal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems.
- Workshop/tutorial/panel submissions are open! For details, see our Call for Contributions.
- Paper submissions are open! For details, see our Call for Contributions. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on IEEE Xplore.
- Announcing our keynote speakers: Sayan Mitra (UIUC), Ben Axelrod (Boston Dynamics), and Craig Lennon (Army)!
- Announcing a new conference at the intersection of autonomous systems research, software engineering, systems engineering, system performance evaluation and benchmarking, testing and assurance, regulatory practice and standard development, and industrial and commercial use!